Calvin Klein

Retail '22

Building the art and material palette for Calvin Klein's full year of global retail activations.


As part of our ongoing col­lab­o­ra­tion with Calvin Klein’s retail team, we created a narrative and visual direction centered on the theme of ​‘reimagining togeth­er­ness and connection.’ We explored and abstracted connection to ​‘elemental contact’ — taking inspiration from natural phenomena and the states of matter to design graphics for windows, fixtures and signage across hundreds of global CK stores.


  • Lifestyle
  • Fashion


  • Q1 2022


  • Calvin Klein Team

    • Alex Chapman
    • Amanda Bupp
    • Brygida Michon
    • Donghee Koo
    • Suzanne Kennedy


Spring 2022 saw us create a utilitarian, modernist inter­pre­ta­tion of connected shapes. We took inspiration from minimalist and conceptual artists from the middle of the century, showcasing connection through the negative space between objects rather than literal interactions.


For Summer 2022, we opted for an organic, unstruc­tured and freeform feeling through con­den­sa­tion, inspired by again by mid-century conceptual art. Con­den­sa­tion signals an elemental state change, touching on theme of how connection can transform us.


In contrast to Summer, Fall 2022 was more structured, taking inspiration from the beauty and solidity of marble quarries. We created a never-ending quarry of marble blocks, a metaphor for the feeling of building that comes with connection.