
FUTUREVVORLD is an editorial hub for earth-friendlier projects, created in partnership with WØRKS. The platform is a digital forum for ter­res­tri­als to discover, embrace and inform the growing sus­tain­abil­i­ty movement in fashion, footwear and design. They provide eco-conscious and eco-curious consumers with a place to gather, discuss and understand what’s possible, and more importantly what’s needed to protect our planet. FVV focuses on technical advance­ments in materials and production practices, which inspires the use of pixelated characters in the typographic system. The print and crop marks are a visual metaphor for honesty and trans­paren­cy in crafts­man­ship and production.

  • Creative Direction
  • Branding & Identity
  • Digital Design
  • Development
FUTUREVVORLD and FVV logos split.
Ambercycle social post.
ON social post.
FUTUREVVORLD photography gallery and logo.
FVV There is no Planet B.