Heron Preston

LED Studio Website

A hub for 'Less Environmentally Destructive' ideas & standalone platform for Heron Preston's special projects.


L.E.D. (Less Envi­ron­men­tal­ly Destructive) Studio is Heron Preston’s private art & design practice, and the next step in his commitment to sustainable design. To help launch L.E.D. Studio, we worked with Heron over the course of two years to create a web platform encom­pass­ing all of his ​‘Less Envi­ron­men­tal­ly Destructive’ projects. We cycled through numerous iterations and landed on creating a fictional bespoke operating system to power all things Heron Preston, hpOS. L.E.D. Studio runs on hpOS and features a geotagged guestbook, an artificial intel­li­gence Studio Assistant, live streams, and access to exclusive product drops and col­lab­o­ra­tions. The guestbook in particular is one of our favorite features, adding a par­tic­i­pa­to­ry element by allowing users to create and share their own ID cards and geotag their profiles on a world map.


  • Fashion
  • Technology
  • Art


  • Q3 2021


  • LED Team

    • Heron Preston
    • Sabrina Albarello
  • Development

    • Paul Bouchon