
We were asked to help build the Berlin-based DreamHaus brand from the ground up. A new type of concert promotions platform focused on inclusivity and the passion of artist/​fan rela­tion­ships, DreamHaus was envisaged as a welcoming environment for fans to engage with artists, and artists to engage with a new promoter in a transparent fashion. Working alongside their internal team on everything from naming the brand to the visual identity, we were able to craft a brand narrative that has a warm sensibility and a friendly sophistication.

  • Creative Direction
  • Strategy
  • Branding & Identity
DreamHaus raised logo.

We worked to create a language that was aspi­ra­tional — but not out of reach. As a testament to a new generation, the brand emphasizes quality, but not at the expense of inclusivity.

DreamHaus is a destination for fans and artists to connect with each other. It’s a welcoming environment that’s not afraid to be in its own world, but doesn’t need to shout about it.

If you know, you know.

Icon with grid lines.
DreamHaus wordmark grid lines.
If you know, you know poster.
VIP and example pass.
Notebook and business cards.
Wordmark grid lines.
Tote bag.
DreamHaus logo.