Call of Duty League Championship 2020 Ring

WØRKS col­lab­o­rat­ed with the internal team at Activision/​Blizzard to concept, design and create the Cham­pi­onship Kit for the Call of Duty League 2020 Cham­pi­onship Weekend. Each player from the winning team was awarded a 2020 CDL Cham­pi­onship ring alongside a customized pair of 2020 Jordan 6 Retro DMP’s. The kit was designed as both a case for the ring and shoes as well as a statement piece for the players to display their awards. The case is designed with a metal, engraved latch that unlocks the center of the kit, allowing it to slide open from the center and reveal the CDL 2020 Cham­pi­onship ring and Jordans.

  • Creative Direction
  • Production
  • Packaging Design
Championship 2020 box opened.
"Glory Isn't Given 2020" box latch.
Custom Nike GMP Jordan 6's.
Custom 2020 box closed.
Front face of the 2020 ring.