00 led studio website 3d identity expression WORKS

L.E.D. (Less Envi­ron­men­tal­ly Destructive) Studio is Heron Preston’s private art & design practice, and the next step in his commitment to sustainable design.

To help launch L.E.D. Studio, we worked with Heron over the course of two years to create a web platform encom­pass­ing all of his Less Envi­ron­men­tal­ly Destructive’ projects. We cycled through numerous iterations and landed on creating a fictional bespoke operating system to power all things Heron Preston, hpOS. L.E.D. Studio runs on hpOS and features a geotagged guestbook, an artificial intel­li­gence Studio Assistant, live streams, and access to exclusive product drops and col­lab­o­ra­tions. The guestbook in particular is one of our favorite features, adding a par­tic­i­pa­to­ry element by allowing users to create and share their own ID cards and geotag their profiles on a world map.

  • Creative Direction
  • Digital Design
  • Development
002 led studio website design dock expression WORKS
Heron Preston x Mercedes Photography
Favorit Typography Poster
L.E.D. Studio and Heron Preston Infographic
Heron Preston ID Card
L.E.D. Studio 3D World
Heron Website PDP
Heron Preston for Nike
Heron Preston Service Center Graphic
Heron Preston Service Center Projects
L.E.D. Studio Beep 3D Model
L.E.D. Studio Beep Chat
00 led studio website 3d identity expression WORKS
hpOS Installation Instructions
hpOS 3D 8gb Memory Card
hpOS Typography Dinamo Favorit
hpOS Installation Disc

The visual design of the website was initially inspired by a host of vintage operating systems but through iteration and refinement became more fluid and shapeless, centered around a warm orange glow. The icons and semi-transparent windows create a balance of playfulness and elevation, values that Heron’s work is known for. The video below details our process further.