
erthos® is a bio­ma­te­ri­als company reimagining the building blocks of plastics. Alongside the erthos® leadership team, we created a cutting-edge and robust visual identity system and website. Coinciding with a shift in business model from a materials supplier to a fully integrated, technology-driven material studio, we worked to concept a timeless, polished visual platform that would evoke feelings missing from the sus­tain­abil­i­ty landscape: trust, true expertise, and a deep sense of optimism for the future. These values come across readily through the emotive imagery, sophis­ti­cat­ed typography and layout, modular data design, intentional color usage and a clear and concise logo system.

  • Branding & Identity
  • Experiential Design
  • Motion & Animation
  • Production
  • Human Interface
  • Print Design
  • Digital Design
WØRKS erthos brand identity 03 lab coat
WØRKS erthos brand identity 04c logomark
WØRKS erthos brand identity 05 combination mark
WØRKS erthos brand identity 07 color palette
WØRKS erthos brand identity 08 typography
WØRKS erthos brand identity 09b overview
WØRKS erthos brand identity 10 event screen
WØRKS erthos brand identity 11 case study
WØRKS erthos brand identity 13 modules
WØRKS erthos brand identity 14 modules
WØRKS erthos brand identity 15 overview
WØRKS erthos brand identity 16 website homepage
WØRKS erthos brand identity 17a website homepage mobile
WØRKS erthos brand identity 17b website CTA
WØRKS erthos brand identity 18 website responsive
WØRKS erthos brand identity 20 website details
WØRKS erthos brand identity 21 website components
WØRKS erthos brand identity 22b social
WØRKS erthos brand identity 25 ZYA 1
WØRKS erthos brand identity 26a ZYA 2
WØRKS erthos brand identity 26b ZYA 3jpg
WØRKS erthos brand identity 27 ZYA 4
WØRKS erthos brand identity 28 booth
WØRKS erthos brand identity 29b ipad
WØRKS erthos brand identity 30b business cards
WØRKS erthos brand identity 31 wordmark
WØRKS erthos brand identity 32 logomark