“At the end of 2018, I found myself thinking ahead to what the next year was going to be for me,” Roy Cranston says. ​“I wondered where I could be in one year’s time, both in ability and opportunity, and what it might take to get there. If I never take a day off for an entire year, what could that do for me? Without much more thought than that, I committed to a full year of daily, personal work and to sharing it publicly online each day.”

The series of work is pre­dom­i­nant­ly posters, but other interests including kinetic typography, 3D modeling, motion design, photography, and more were explored throughout the project. To punctuate the project, Roy has created a zine that highlights a select 50 posters from 2019, providing an exposé on each piece that displays the process involved, inspi­ra­tions, expla­na­tions, and how each piece serves as a time capsule that documents the day/​week/​period of the year in which the work was produced. The zine is available for sale in our store.